Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my latest google searches

1.) americana bedroom decor
2.) cucumber soup
3.) the color turquoise
4.) flea images
5.) blessed synonyms
6.) atlantic versus pacific salmon calories
7.) maggiano's phone number
8.) psalm 105
9.) dia parking
10.) edible playdoh
11.) 'hard candy christmas' lyrics
12.) u.s. territories
13.) pomegranate cocktail ingredients
14.) half marathon podcast
15.) jaguars
16.) phil wickham concert tour dates
17.) raw dog food recipes
18.) james 5
19.) denver art museum free days
20.) how to fix a broken sewing machine

what have you been searching for?

Saturday, July 3, 2010


"Can God, who gave His all for you, ever do wrong by you? Shall you accept the good from His hand and then charge Him with wrong doing when something does not go your way? Shall you thank Him when He blesses you with what you approve but not thank Him when it seems bad and painful for you?

Is He worthy of praise only when His acts please you? His chosen way for you is always good and perfect and best. He is evermore worthy of thanksgiving and praise, even in the darkest times. Your trust in the dark so pleases your Heavenly Father. Your praise in pain honors Him." ~J White

The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent. ~Psalm 27:5

my dad died may 20. father's day was june 20 this year, exactly one month after his passing. the last six weeks, i have been hiding out. now that my sorrow is ebbing, it is a time for rejoicing. my dad's pain is gone. my dad is meeting with Jesus. my dad is living in heaven! PRAISE GOD! tomorrow is the birthday of our nation and i will smile and laugh and enjoy the day. it did not come without its fair share of sorrow too. God has a purpose for all our pain.
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