repaint the family room (light blue)
organize the boys' shoes, hats, gloves, winter coats, etc
empty the downstairs closet floor
purchase a black bookshelf for the eating nook
wainscoting for the dining room
hang new pictures/wall scones in the dining room
add 2 chairs and a fireplace to the living room - *partial CHECK, new chairs/no fireplace*
reduce number of dvds - *CHECK*
clean desk out - *CHECK*
move bookshelves from office to upstairs - *CHECK*
new light in the upstairs closet
get the boys' football stickers up
drapes in all rooms
take toy box to the garage - *CHECK*
sidewalk and patio (cement)
build a workbench
find extra school supplies a home - *CHECK*
go thru scrapbook stuff - *CHECK*
research jobs-from-home
email the year's tax donations to hubby - *CHECK*
buy a king bed
sell car and bravada to buy a new vehicle
declutter books! - *CHECK*
garden panos from 2023
11 months ago