here are some things i want to do before i turn 35:
1. read the entire bible once a year - *CHECK*
2. read 4 'classics' a year
-emma, lord of the flies, paradise lost, a tale of two cities, my antonia
-the great gatsby, jane eyre, robinson crusoe, treasure island
-gulliver's travels, adventures of huck finn, walden and civil disobedience, the old man and the sea
3. re-read 'watership down' - *CHECK*
4. write a hand-written note once a week for three months and mail it off
5. publish a christian children's book - *written, not published yet*
6. start a once-a-month girl's night out group - *CHECK*
7. exercise 3 times a week... starting now - *CHECK*
8. run a 15k - *CHECK*
9. train myself to sleep on my back instead of my side
10. take a ballroom dancing lesson
11. take a decorating class
12. take a pottery-making class
13. take a photography class (and buy a 'good' camera)
14. take my mom to a scrapbooking-weekend-convention-type-thing - *CHECK*
15. finish the scrapbook on my dad's life
16. refinish the guest bedroom dresser
17. make a quilt
18. make a fort/playhouse for the boys behind the garage - *CHECK*
19. learn to play one song on the guitar
20. learn to make curry - *CHECK*
21. find one thing i *like* to bake (signature dish) - *CHECK*
22. can homemade pickles
23. grow strawberries in my garden - *CHECK*
24. furnish our outdoor patio - *CHECK*
25. teach the boys to ski - *CHECK*
26. convince hubby we need a dog - *CHECK*
27. go sailing
28. go camping with tyler and rachel at hart ranch - *CHECK*
29. go visit scotty and laura frances in missouri
30. go to the grand canyon
31. go on a cruise (10-year anniversary is coming up *grin*)
32. go tour the vatican city with my husband
33. meet my sports idol seth smith and get his autograph - *CHECK*
34. become a mentor
35. work on a political campaign
garden panos from 2023
1 year ago